PinnedTawsif KamalinThe StartupAn Intuitive Approach to Q-Learning (P1)A dive into the fundamental concepts and the mathematics of the Q-learning algorithm in Reinforcement Learning.Feb 3, 20211Feb 3, 20211
Tawsif KamalMonte Carlo Reinforcement Learning: A Hands-On ApproachLearning through pure randomness shouldn’t make any sense.May 25, 2021May 25, 2021
Tawsif KamalXanity: The Autonomous Savior for Sanitization WorkersIn the U.S, 350+ Sanitization workers in New York died in one week due to hazardous working conditions given the pandemic situation. In…Feb 7, 2021Feb 7, 2021
Tawsif KamalinThe StartupA Brief Introduction to ClassificationA quick and easy explanation of Classification Machine Learning models.Nov 2, 2020Nov 2, 2020
Tawsif KamalinThe StartupAn Intuitive Approach to Linear RegressionNote… this article is heavy on mathematics. You will need to understand the basics of partial derivatives and some Linear Algebra. If you…Oct 23, 20201Oct 23, 20201